LOST (بعد سوم)
[jack shephard to survivors of the flight Oceanic 815] – if we don’t live togrther we will die alone اگه در کنار هم زندگی نکنیم به تنهایی خواهیم مرد …
مورد عجیب بنجامین باتن (بعد سوم)
Daisy: Would you still love me if I were old and saggy? Benjamin Button: Would you still love ME if I were young and had acne? When I’m afraid of what’s …
جدا افتاده (بعد سوم)
Frank Costello: When I was growing up, they would say you could become cops or criminals. But what I’m saying is this. When you’re facing a loaded gun, what’s the difference? …
شهر گناه (بعد سوم)
Hartigan: An old man dies. A little girl lives. A fair trade… هارتیگان: پیرمرد میمیره. دختر بچه زنده میمونه. معامله منصفانه…
match point (بعد سوم)
– The man who said “I’d rather be lucky than good” saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It’s …
جایی برای پیرمردها نیست (بعد سوم)
[Man who hires Wells ask about Chigurh] -Just how dangerous is he? –Carson Wells: Compared to what? The bubonic plague? – اون چقدر خطرناکه؟ – در مقایسه با چی؟ … طاعون؟
match point (بعد سوم)
– The man who said “I’d rather be lucky than good” saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. …
گلادیاتور (بعد سوم)
[Komodus ask Maximus to remove his helmet and introduce himself] – My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the north, General Flix. Loyal servent to the true …
قصه های عامه پسند (بعد سوم)
[Butch is changing his cloths in taxi] – What is your name? – Butch. – What does it mean? – I’m American, honey. Our names don’t mean shit. – …
little miss sunshine (بعد سوم)
[Olive ask her Grandpa is she going to loose?] Grandpa: A real loser is someone who’s so afraid of not winning , he doesn’t even try. – بازنده واقعی کسیه که …